Sunday, December 28, 2014

And I have fallen into bad blogger status again...

Happy Holidays!  Can't believe Christmas is over and a new year is upon us.  Where has 2014 gone?  These years just fly by.  Ever since I had children time seems to be speeding.  My holiday was nice and quiet, staying home with my family.  Kids seem happy with what Santa brought them.  I must admit, the holidays have not felt special since my mom died almost 9 years ago.  I try to make it fun for the kids, go through the motions but it's not the same.  My mom had such an amazing way of making the holidays feel so special and magical. Every room in the house decorated, she spent hours preparing the Christmas Eve and Christmas meals. Even New Years was festive and magical.  To me these all feel like just normal days.  I try to remember what the day is really about but it's not the same.

For 2015 and I am hoping to do a lot of changes in my life.  1.  Scrapbook more. I haven't done it in so long. I keep taking lots and lots of pictures and do nothing with them. 2.  Change my diet.  I have gained so much weight since my surgery and have not really cared about what I am putting into my body. It has to stop.  I need to change.  I need to and am going to exercise daily and eat better.  3.  Try to get my house in some sort of order.  I have a daughter who dances 6 days a week, a son who does Cub Scouts, and a husband who volunteers with a lot of organizations that he is usually out every night of the week that I can't get a grasp on this house. And laundry. I hate laundry.  4. I need to make dinner every night at home. Because everyone is so involved at night dinner as a family is a rare occurrence.  My daughter and I usually grab take out, the rest of the family scrambles for something fast.  I need to use my crock pot more. So tempted to buy that pressure cooker I see the infomercials for!  

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